“The visual poetry within these pages showcases the endless ways in which language manifests within the landscape of our everyday material culture.”
A wide range of visual poems themed around cuteness is framed with significant critical essays and page-based poems that take our theme to another dimension. Featuring a wide range of poetic and critical responses to cuteness by UK-based and international poets and academics including Sascha Akhtar, Derek Beaulieu, CD Boyland, Sarah Cave, Jenna Clake, Matt Collyer, Joshua Paul Dale, Maria Darwish, SJ Fowler, Fiona Glen, Caroline Harris, JD Howse, Briony Hughes, Chris Kerr, Catherine Lester, Yvonne Litschel, Chris McCabe, Lesley Millar, montenegrofisher, Simona Nastac, Daniele Pantano, Astra Papachristodoulou, Michał Kamil Piotrowski, Ben Rogers, Karenjit Sandhu, Vik Shirley, Kate Siklosi, Greg Thomas, Tese Uhomoibhi, Margaret Viboolsittiseri and Nadira Clare Wallace.
This publication is supported by Royal Holloway’s Humanities and Arts Research Institute and the Animal Studies reading group at the University of Birmingham.
AWW-STRUCK, eds. Isabel Galleymore, Caroline Harris and Astra Papachristodoulou
First edition of 150
88 printed colour pages
148 x 210 mm
Launched: 21 May 2021
ISBN: 978-1-8383206-1-4
Poem Atlas (London)
Cuteness presents itself at every corner and takes us by surprise. Within their various natural and consumerist landscapes, beings and things that are ascribed as cute are often tied with emotional responses ranging from tenderness to aggression; sometimes even followed by a characteristic “aww”.
A multidisciplinary publication documenting the seminar and accompanying online exhibition of visual poetry on the Poem Atlas website from 21 May–11 June 2021.