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Poem Atlas is an exhibition platform and occasional publisher of books and object poems. It was formed in 2019 to connect individuals to new and established visual poets that toy with form in interesting ways. Our platform aims to showcase the best of object and experimental poetry in the UK and beyond, focussing on the work of poets who explore the performative aspect of tangible poems, and merge poetry and visual art to create unique visual-textual and interactive objects.

We have borrowed our name from the

hononymous Titan in Greek Mythology who was condemned to stand at the edge of the world and hold the entire sky in his arms until the end of time. A bit like the Titan Atlas, the poet has the potential to be the beholder of extraordinary things, such as 

object poems, that can attribute for some of the most exciting forms in contemporary poetry.


A bit like Titan Atlas, the poet can be the beholder of extraordinary things

Exhibitors and performers include Sascha Akhtar, Theodoros Chiotis, Steven J Fowler, Alexis Fedorjaczenko, Derek Beaulieu, Kimberly Campanello, Susie Campbell, E.J Coates, Claire Collison, Madelaine Culver, Paul Hawkins, Jade Cuttle, Storm Greenwood, James Knight, Simon Tyrrell, Caroline Harris, L. Kiew, Chris Kerr, Stephen Emmerson, Briony Hughes, Martina O'Shea, Michal Kamil Piotrowski, Maggs Vibo, Nadira Clare Wallace, Silje Ree, Simona Nastac, Maria Wigley, Konstantinos Papacharalampos, Nic Stringer and many more.

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Calling indigenous visual poets worldwide! We are currently accepting submissions for our upcoming anthology of Indigenous visual poetry, edited by Lara Felsing and Astra Papachristodoulou. The provisional title of the project is To feel the Earth as one’s skin. The publication will be the first of its kind in the UK, and will be published by Poem Atlas in March 2024. 


We're open to all kinds of approaches to visual poetry: from collages and digital art to sculptural/tactile textual artworks. Please note that all languages are welcome but we would suggest that English translations are provided so that we can showcase both original text and translations for English-speaking readers. 


In addition to visual poems, we are also keen to include a couple of essays about Indigenous writing/art making. If you have a relevant article or essay, please do send it along for consideration!


Some guidelines, if this call interests you:

- Submit your up to 6 works for consideration to by January 31st, 2024.

- Please send high resolution photos of your pieces (minimum 300 dpi). Any archival photos that may show you in the process of making your piece are also welcome. 

- Please include a short bio, the title of your artworks and a 40-word artist statement about your work.

- Each artist will be sent a free contributors’ copy of the anthology upon publication


poematlasuk [at] gmail [dot] com

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